Posts in wradlib

Introducing {{wradlib}} Cheat-Sheets

Today we are glad to announce the start of a series of Cheat-Sheets covering all aspects of wradlib. The first Cheat-Sheet is Wradlib Getting Started which is available via the new Downloads-Section.

Cheat-Sheets are very well established not only within the Python-Community. Who of us has not used the GitHub Git Cheat Sheet or the CONDA Cheat Sheet to get git and conda running?

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introducing {{wradlib}} jupyter notebooks

At a \(\omega radlib\) code-sprint early April, we thought about ways to make \(\omega radlib\) examples and tutorials more user-friendly, interactive and consistent.

Therefore, we decided to harmonise online tutorials and recipes together with the examples from the source distribution. All of them will be transformed as ready-to-use jupyter notebooks. These notebooks will be distributed along with wradlib, but they will also be rendered as tutorials/examples in the online documentation. In this ongoing process, all examples and tutorials will be reviewed and restructured if needed.

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easy install using conda-forge

With the help of an outstanding community effort named conda-forge, wradlib can now be more conveniently installed on linux, windows and osx.

Until now, installing \(\omega radlib\) and its dependencies could be tricky, with each OS having its own issues. On Windows, we so far recommended to satisfy all depencies via Python(x,y). This was convenient; however, it limited users to Python 2.7, and, more importantly, to 32-bit Python. This was a serious drawback particularly for memory-intensive applications.

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