
The \(\omega radlib\) project has been initiated in order facilitate the use of weather radar data as well as to provide a common platform for research on new algorithms. \(\omega radlib\) is an open source library which is well documented and easy to use. It is written in the free programming language Python.


Weather radar data is potentially useful in meteorology, hydrology and risk management. Its ability to provide information on precipitation with high spatio-temporal resolution over large areas makes it an invaluable tool for short term weather forecasting or flash flood forecasting.


wradlib is designed to assist you in the most important steps of processing weather radar data. These may include: reading common data formats, georeferencing, converting reflectivity to rainfall intensity, identifying and correcting typical error sources (such as clutter or attenuation) and visualising the data.


Please cite \(\omega radlib\) as Heistermann, M., Jacobi, S., and Pfaff, T.: Technical Note: An open source library for processing weather radar data (wradlib), Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 863-871, doi:10.5194/hess-17-863-2013, 2013