--- title: Release 0.10.0 date: 2017-04-10 16:00 category: news authors: wradlib tags: releases, github, python2, python3 --- # Release 0.10.0 We are happy to announce the release of {{wradlib}} 0.10.0. ## Highlights Highlight of this release is the implementation of matching of GPM/TRMM-platforms with ground radar observations in 3D. A step-by-step guide is available as [jupyter notebook](http://wradlib.org/wradlib-docs/0.10.0/notebooks/match3d/wradlib_match_workflow.html). Also the {{wradlib}} raster handling has been improved considerably with [PR#137](https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/137). ## Further changes in {{wradlib}} 0.10.0 There are also a couple of community enhancements and other improvements and fixes. Community Contribution by [Christian Chwala](https://github.com/cchwala): - `wradlib.io.read_RADOLAN_composite` accept file handles [PR#114](https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/114), - `wradlib.io.read_Rainbow` accept file handles [PR#140](https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/140). Community Contribution by [franklinvv](https://github.com/franklinvv): - `wradlib.georef.get_radolan_grid` was enhanced to read extended-RADOLAN-grid [PR#119](https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/119). Improvements: - Merged the curvelinear grid plotting functions into the normal plotting functions. Added **contour** and **filled contour** plotting capabilities. - Generic netcdf reader can read **groups** now. - Added `wradlib.qual.cum_beam_block_frac` to compute cumulative beam blockage. - Added **Earth Curvature Display** to [beam blockage notebook](http://wradlib.org/wradlib-docs/0.10.0/notebooks/beamblockage/wradlib_beamblock.html) - Enhance `wradlib.georef.read_gdal_values` to read multiband data. Fixes: - The build process on Travis-CI was significantly improved by running test-suites in dedicated threads/subprocesses. - We also fixed some documentation inconsistencies. - Several bugs were fixed in `wradlib.qual.pulse_volume`, `wradlib.georef.transform_geometry`, `wradlib.util.find_bbox_indices` and `wradlib.ipol.cart2irregular_spline`. - Several other minor fixes. For more details on the new release, please visit our [release notes](http://wradlib.org/wradlib-docs/0.10.0/release_notes.html).