--- title: easy install using conda-forge date: 2016-03-17 15:00 category: wradlib authors: wradlib tags: conda, windows, osx, linux, python --- # easy install using conda-forge With the help of an outstanding community effort named [conda-forge](https://conda-forge.github.io/), wradlib can now be more conveniently installed on _**linux**_, _**windows**_ and _**osx**_. Until now, installing {{wradlib}} and its dependencies could be tricky, with each OS having its own issues. On Windows, we so far recommended to satisfy all depencies via [Python(x,y)](https://python-xy.github.io/). This was convenient; however, it limited users to Python 2.7, and, more importantly, to 32-bit Python. This was a serious drawback particularly for memory-intensive applications. With this post, we present a new installation approach that is harmonised across platforms. Using [conda-forge/wradlib-feedstock](https://github.com/conda-forge/wradlib-feedstock), we provide installable {{wradlib}} packages for all major OS (accounting for different python and numpy versions, and offering 32-bit builts for Windows, if desired). All builts are tested and uploaded to the [conda-forge channel](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/wradlib). The default-conda channel provides many {{wradlib}} dependencies out of the box, but not all. Hence, we also contributed to the [conda-forge/gdal-feedstock](https://github.com/conda-forge/gdal-feedstock) making it the first feedstock serving two different package versions (gdal 1.11.4 and 2.0.2). As a result, {{wradlib}} can now be conveniently installed using the [conda package manager](http://conda.pydata.org/docs/intro.html). Windows users should be aware, though, that this approach is **not** compatible with Python(x,y). So you need to make a decision. So this is the basic walk through: 1. Install the [Anaconda environment of your choice](https://www.continuum.io/downloads) 2. Clone the root environment or create one from scratch :::bash $ conda create --name wradlib --clone root or $ conda create --name wradlib python=2.7 3. Add the conda-forge channel :::bash $ conda config --add channels conda-forge 4. Activate {{wradlib}} environment * Linux :::bash $ source activate wradlib * Windows :::bash > activate wradlib 5. Install {{wradlib}} (and dependencies) :::bash (wradlib) $ conda install wradlib 6. Set GDAL_DATA environment variable (needed for georeferencing) * Linux/OSX bash :::bash (wradlib) $ export GDAL_DATA=/path/to/anaconda/envs/wradlib/share/gdal * Windows CMD.exe :::bash [wradlib] > setx GDAL_DATA C:\path\to\anaconda\envs\wradlib\Library\share\gdal 7. Optional dependencies can be installed OS independent with `pip` :::bash (wradlib) $ pip install xmltodict * * * We hope that this new approach will make the installation of {{wradlib}} more convenient, and, as a result, enhance its usability on all major platforms - thanks to [Anaconda](https://www.continuum.io/why-anaconda) from Continuum(R) and the conda-forge community effort.